Why "Health dance connections" ?

Dancing started out as my self confidence practice tool, but then it brought me friendships and a community. It opened a door to explore and connect to myself and others.

And by the way: It's loads of fun!

Since the beginning, back then when I was a little physio-student, I have been fascinated by the way people move on the dancefloor.

But dance is more than just moving a stack of joints. It's a doorway through the body to our soul. It's expression, it's anger, it's grace, it's everything between and beyond. From my perspective psychological health got more and more important and intertwined with our physical well being. We are dancing to “be” completely and celebrate life together, in all it’s facets.

Dance can be a practise of loving Mindfulness with oneself and others.

If you want to know more, come to the next workshop.